
Belury receives the first Nutrition Society of Taiwan Award 2024

Martha Belury, seen in her laboratory in Ohio State, has been working with Taiwanese scientists for fifteen years. (CFAES, State of Ohio)

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Martha A. Belury, chair and professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, has been named the recipient of the inaugural 2024 Nutrition Society of Taiwan Award for the U.S. Association for Nutrition (ASN).

She is in Taiwan this week to receive the new award, which honors ASN members who have made notable contributions to advancing nutrition research, clinical practice or education in Taiwan, or individuals who have collaborated with Taiwanese scientists, researchers and teachers.

“Life is full of wonderful surprises and I am truly grateful to be the first recipient of the Nutrition Society of Taiwan Award,” said Belury. “Receiving this award will hopefully foster deeper collaborations and shared experiences for scientists in the US and Taiwan. These collaborations build meaningful relationships for scientists, students and practitioners to build a healthier planet with greater access to nutritious food.”

Since 2009, Belury has been a visiting professor at the College of Nutrition of Taipei Medical University (TMU). Through this professorship, graduate and undergraduate students from TMU have visited the state of Ohio for periods of several weeks to several months. TMU has requested to also host students from the state of Ohio.

“Dr. Martha Belury has been working with Taiwanese scientists for years, both in Taiwan and the US,” said Jane Chao, president of the Nutrition Society of Taiwan (NST). “We are pleased to recognize her with this award for her commitment to helping improve nutrition, with a focus on identifying the role of dietary fatty acids in inflammation and metabolism in human health and disease.”

Belury’s research interests include investigating the mechanisms of bioactive lipids in regulating insulin sensitivity in liver, adipose tissue and muscle; and the role of energy balance in cancer prevention.

Kevin Schalinske, president of ASN, said: “We are pleased to see that Dr. Belury receives this recognition from our colleagues at the Nutrition Society of Taiwan.” She will also be recognized at NUTRITION 2024, ASN’s annual scientific meeting held in Chicago from June 29 to July 2, 2024.

With 8,000 members in 110 countries, ASN is the leading professional organization for nutrition researchers and physicians worldwide. The association brings together the best nutrition researchers, physicians, policymakers and industry leaders to advance our knowledge and application of nutrition. More information at

—Ohio State University CFAES