
Burgum continues to undermine the American system

Doug Burgum was at it again. He was back on national television supporting Donald Trump’s despicable crusade to implement Project 2025 by first tearing down the American system.

It would be so much easier (and safer) not to speak out.

But saying nothing now seems downright unpatriotic, given the sinister threat inherent in Burgum’s reckless claims, both on the “Face the Nation” program and at the New York courthouse, where Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts. His inflammatory rhetoric included claims that the trial was a “rigging trial,” “politically motivated,” and a “weaponization of the system.”

Burgum was elected to serve and fairly represent all North Dakotans. Yet he has chosen to participate in a veritable clown show of similarly dressed fanatics who wildly denigrate the integrity of our justice system to enthrone a wannabe dictator who promoted a violent uprising on live TV in 2021.

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When Ben Franklin told a woman in 1787 that our new government would be “a republic if you can keep it,” I am quite sure he was underscoring our duty as citizens to actively uphold the pillars of American democracy – and not to be broken down. for party gain.

Vicki Voldal Rosenau, Valley City