
Revolutionizing Pennsylvania’s Industrial Sites: A $10.6 Million Step Forward

ALLENTOWN, PA – Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Rick Siger announced more than $10.6 million in grants through the PA SITES pilot program. The program aims to make several locations in the Keystone State “shovel-ready,” a term meaning the sites are ready for immediate use by businesses.

This important move, announced in Allentown in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, will bring more than $1.1 million to the Allentown Commercial and Industrial Development Authority. The funds will facilitate water, sewer and natural gas expansions from Allentown’s existing city infrastructure to a proposed site about a half mile away.

This initiative follows Pennsylvania’s recently announced economic development strategy – the first in nearly two decades. “Last year we launched a pilot site development program through DCED, solicited applications and made $10 million in grants available for developers and businesses to start that process. These locations are critical to growing our economy, creating more jobs and thriving communities, and helping Pennsylvania compete – and win,” Governor Shapiro explained.

Last year, Governor Shapiro and Secretary Siger invited top site selectors from across the U.S. to the Capitol. The feedback: Pennsylvania’s resources, strategic position and skilled workforce were undeniable assets, but a scarcity of accessible locations hindered business growth in the state. This feedback sparked the birth of the PA SITES initiative, with applications opening in September 2023.

DCED Secretary Rick Siger added, “There is significant demand for this investment in every region of Pennsylvania as we received 102 applications requesting more than $236 million in funding through this pilot program.”

Allocations from the PA SITES pilot program extend far and wide across Pennsylvania, benefiting several counties such as Allegheny, Bedford, Bucks, Indiana, Lehigh, Wayne and Westmoreland. These provinces will use the money for a range of development activities, including earthworks, utility expansion, road construction and environmental remediation.

Unlike neighboring states Ohio, New York and Virginia, which allocate more money each year for site development incentives, Pennsylvania faces the challenge of a shortage of readily available sites to support significant business expansion. To address this, Governor Shapiro has secured $13 million in PA First funding, of which $10.6 million has been made available for the PA SITES pilot program.

Demand far exceeds existing funding, reinforcing the need for greater state investment for more competitive sites through improved transportation access, utility expansions or the construction of site-ready sites. Governor Shapiro’s proposed 2024-2025 budget includes an ambitious $500 million in PA SITES funding to build on this progress.

In addition to the PA SITES funding, the Governor’s budget proposal also calls for a $25 million investment in the Main Street Matters program to support small businesses, an allocation of $20 million to spur innovation, and $3.5 million dollars to launch the Pennsylvania Regional Economic Competitiveness Challenge.

Pennsylvania’s industrious citizens are at the heart of this drive, as Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk noted: “Governor Shapiro recognizes the central role Allentown residents have played in the Lehigh Valley’s economic success story, and today’s announcement affirms the value of making smart investments in growing regions.”

This substantial investment is intended to revitalize Pennsylvania’s economic future, create optimal locations for enthusiastic businesses, and put Pennsylvania on track to a prosperous, vibrant future.

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